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Is WordPress free?

Is WordPress free? This is a common question that pops up when diving into the world of website creation.

WordPress is a popular open-source content management system that is built using PHP. This free software is released under the GNU General Public License (GPL). Although you can download and use WordPress for free, there are certain costs involved in hosting and running a website using this platform.

If you’re looking for a cost-effective option,’s managed hosting service might be the best choice for you. This is a hosting service that allows you to host your website on their infrastructure and manage it for you. 

However, there are some limitations to using this service, such as limited website customization, ads being displayed on your website, and limited monetization options. You will also be assigned a subdomain, which might not be ideal for most.

On the other hand, self-hosting your WordPress website will give you complete control over your website’s functionality and design. While the WordPress software is still free, you will need to invest in a domain name, hosting environment, and possibly a few paid plugins and themes. This option allows you to use any plugin or theme you want, and you won’t have to display any ads on your website. You will also have more flexibility in terms of monetization and SEO options.

If you’re looking for a free option, Mshini offers a free dev plan that includes a free subdomain and three months of free hosting. This will allow you to build and design your website before easily migrating it to a paid hosting plan at the click of a button.